April 2, 2024

Creating a more sustainable way to shop for skincare

How Renude's solution can help brands to learn about their customers and deliver more personalised experience to reduce trial and error wastage.

In today's world, with the wealth of information at our disposal, it's our duty as consumers and business leaders to champion a more sustainable future.

The beauty industry is at the forefront of this movement, pioneering innovations in sustainability. From upcycled ingredients repurposed from other sectors to PCR and sugarcane packaging that replaces virgin plastic, and manufacturing powered by renewable energy sources, the strides are significant. 

Companies like BOOP are leading by example, reporting that over 10% of beauty products go to waste along supply chains, equalling $4.8 billion worth of waste, they sell these products at up to 75% less than RRP to reduce this harmful environmental impact. Every aspect of the supply chain is being scrutinised and modernised to minimise environmental impact.

But this doesn’t address one of the biggest problems in beauty consumption: the inefficient trial and error process used to find the right products. Brands wouldn’t need to produce so much waste if they had a better idea of what their customers really needed.

How much is really wasted though?

89% of consumers use trial and error to find the right skincare for them. Gone are the days where people bought into the Clinique 3-step system and used that for decades. 

With social media reducing the barrier to entry for new brands, and new products launching every single day, the skincare industry has more choice than ever, leading to more overwhelm. 

We surveyed our Renude audience to find out more about this wastage. We found that consumers were on average spending 90 minutes of research across social media, review platforms and e-commerce sites before making a single product purchase. 

However, despite this significant time investment, 62% of the products purchased were not suitable for the skin, and almost half of these (28% of all purchases), were thrown away before being finished. That doesn’t even give retailers like BOOP the opportunity to resell them as they’re bypassed straight to landfill–nearly a third of all skincare purchases, wasted.

The resulting wastage for the customer is £617 and 9 working days every year on the wrong products. Not only is this real tangible money and time that could be invested elsewhere, but the resulting frustration and disillusionment that comes with this is a bigger problem. 

By using Renude AI to power your customers’ skincare ecommerce journey, customers can access skincare that truly benefits them:

  • +150% higher average first AOV
  • 2X more units in basket, +40% higher average unit price
  • 94% see visible improvements in their skin

This transforms your brand into a go-to favourite, standing out in a crowded market of copycats and noise.

Renude’s AI has been built by a team of dermatologists, aestheticians, formulation chemists and data scientists, using data collected from 4 years of professional skin assessment and routine selection. Already trusted by over 100,000 consumers - if you’re interested in exploring personalised experiences that drive additional sales revenue, get in touch today.